The helicopter blog

The helicopter blog

As a helicopter pilot you can experience something. Not only with oneself and the helicopter, but also in general it is always interesting what customers ask, how do flyers react and what other strange things happen in everyday life. Of course, also what other pilots say. We’ve been doing this for a while now and there’s a lot to talk about. At this point we will write some things that we think are worth communicating, knowing and entertaining. We don't want to indulge in technical terms, but rather the world of HelifliegerTo bring the - well - normal pedestrians closer. Without technical jargon, we all already have more than enough in our respective fields. Sure so far? Have fun while reading!

Bubble windows or the house with the red roof

When it comes to sightseeing flights, our passengers understandably often want to see their own house from above. As a pilot, of course, I don't know exactly where my respective passengers live, so I have to rely on their help when looking for their property. But let's jump to a different mission first: For photo flights with professional photographers, all details are discussed in a briefing before the flight. I then fly the object [...]

Why can a helicopter fly at all? Part 2

This part is the second part - it might be useful to read the first part first. You can find it here: Part 1: Introduction Part 2: Bernoulli, pressures, buoyancy in detail This chapter deals with the basic physical principles. Of course, if you're interested in physics in general, you should read it through. If you were rather at loggerheads with the physics lessons at school, you should definitely take it.

In portrait: helicopter type Robinson R44

It is the VW among the helicopters: The Robinson R44. No, of course that has nothing to do with the emissions scandal or particulate matter. Just as the Volkswagen was intended as a car for the people back then, the American company Robinson Helicopter also launched the first “cheap” helicopter for the people in 22 with the still two-seater R1979. Unlike most other helicopters, it was designed from the ground up.

What is a type rating?

Do you have a car driver's license? Then it is always normal for you not only to drive your own car, but also that of your partner. Which is then not a VW Golf Diesel with manual transmission, but a BMW 3-series petrol engine with automatic. We don't even think about whether we can drive the BMW with our driver's license, it's that normal to switch. On the other hand, we know intuitively that [...]

Why can a helicopter fly at all?

Part 1: Introduction and Buoyancy This part is the first of a few that should answer the question of why a helicopter can now fly. The series is based on the e-book of the same name written by Florian Gronau and me. The entire e-book is too long for a single blog post, which is why we have made small, more easily digestible bites and made a blog series out of them. But first the short foreword from the [...]
