Helicopter sightseeing flights Landshut / Freising

& Heli Trial Lessons
helicopter sightseeing flight landshut freising fly a helicopter yourself 1 Heliflieger.com


Dirk Schepanek Actor Helicopter Pilot Heliflieger.com

Dirk Schepanek, Pilot

1. See flights and prices: below
2. Book desired flight and optional give away
3. Appointment registration – also later, valid for up to 4 years
4. Alternatively as a gift: Value Voucher
5. More info: Right below – We are looking forward to welcoming you!

002AachenR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days--5.418.5----
095AltenrheinR22, R44, R66Individual appointments are always possible
081augsburgR44In addition: Individual appointments for self-flying and VIP flights on request.---
087Bad DitzenbachR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days-29.3
003Bamberg-EbernR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days---25.528.6-10.8in planning
047BayreuthR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days---23.5. (SF)
24.5. (SF) full
25.5. (RF)
-5.7. (RF)
25.7. (SF)
26.7. (SF)
27.7. (RF)
in planningin planning
088Berlin SchönefeldEC130Flights over Berlin will now take place from Berlin-Strausberg--------
004-1Berlin SchoenhagenR44--12.4
004-2Berlin SchoenhagenNOT displayedR44
089Berlin StrausbergEC130From 05.04.25 every Saturday and Sunday.
076BraunschweigR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)12.4. (RF)3.5. (RF)28.612.7. (RF)23.8. (RF)27.9. (RF)
007BreitscheidR44from Siegerland Airport
048Burg FeuersteinB206, convertible---in planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
049ChemnitzB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
009CoburgR44---25.5. (RF)15.6. (RF)5.7. (RF)
27.7. (RF)
10.8. (RF)in planning
010Cottbus (-Neuhausen)R44VIP flights (up to 3 people) and helicopter self-flying available at any time on request
084DammeR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-22.3. (RF)26.429.5. (RF)-19.7. (RF)30.8. (RF)13.9. (SF)
071DonaueschingenR22, R44any time
075Donauworth GenderkingenB206, convertibleSaturday mornings only--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
011Dortmund MarlR44-15.313.4in planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
012-1Dresden (Kamenz)R44 (1)--26.4
012-2Dresden (Kamenz)R44 (2)Groups and self-flying, no individuals
90Dresden-PirnaR44, B206, B505no appointments
017EgelsbachR44, convertibleSingle seats and self-flying on Cabri possible on sightseeing flight days, VIP flights and R44 self-flying individually possible16.29.2
050EggenfeldenR44For organizational reasons, flights take place from the nearby Mühldorf airfield
014EisenachR44Alternative: Individually agreed at any time from Sömmerda----13.6. (SF)
14.6. (RF)
15.6. (RF)
-8.8. (SF)in planning
080Erfurt (Helipad Sömmerda)R44Appointments can be arranged individually at any time
015Erfurt (Sömmerda)R44RF (full charter) & SF anytime
016EssenR44, AS350SF individual-15.36.4
1.66.7in planningin planning
077FreiburgR44currently no sightseeing flights offered
104FriedrichsdorfB206Appointments can be arranged individually at any time
018FriedrichshafenR22, R44, B206Individual appointments in Friedrichshafen are possible at any time on request.
019FuldaR44Appointments for VIP sightseeing flights from 30 minutes and self-flying can be arranged individually at any time
0681GanderkeseeR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) with EC120
Fly it yourself (SF) with R44
-23.3. (RF)27.411.5. (RF)-6.73.8. (RF)14.9
0682Ganderkesee R44R44 complete charter at any time
Max 240KG for 3 p.
051GiengenB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
021GiessenR44---17.5. (RF)--16.8. (RF)in planning
022GöttingenR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)10.8. (RF)-
101GrazR22, R44Date suggestions after registration
023Halle OppinR44VIP flights and self-flying possible at any time on request
024Hamburg AirportEC120usually from noon15.21.35.4
in planningin planningin planningin planning
025Hamburg HeistR44--5.4
026HanoverR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)
23.3. (RF)
12.4. (RF)
27.4. (SF)
3.5. (RF)
11.5. (RF)
28.6. (RF)6.7
12.7. (RF)
3.8. (RF)
23.8. (RF)
27.9. (RF)
067HerzogenaurachB206, convertible-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
027HildesheimR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)12.4. (RF)3.5. (RF)28.6 12.7. (RF)23.8. (RF)27.9. (RF)
086HoexterR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)10.8. (RF)-
036jesenwangR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
--5.4. (RF)10.5
31.5. (RF)
-in planningin planningin planning
028Kassel-CaldenR44Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)1.8. (SF)
10.8. (RF)
029Kassel-WolfhagenR44------2.8in planning
52KemptenR44from Leutkirch
107KielB206any time
100KilbR22, R44, R66any time
103KlagenfurtR44After registration, our pilot regularly makes appointment suggestions
053-1Koblenz (Winningen)R44---9.5. (SF) full
18.5. (RF) full
-11.7. (SF) full
12.7. (RF)
17.8. (RF)in planning
053-2Koblenz (Mendig)R44New dates will be scheduled gradually-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
006-1Cologne (Hangelar)R44, B206VIP flights and self-flying possible at any time on request
006-2Cologne (Hangelar)R44VIP and individuals possible--12.4-14.6in planningin planningin planning
006-3Cologne (Hangelar)R44--12.410.514.612.730.86.9
054KonstanzB206, convertiblefrom Pfullendorf
106LandshutR44---4.5. (RF)22.6in planningin planningin planning
030lauterbachR44---11.5in planningin planningin planningin planning
031Leipzig (Böhlen)R44---17.5
032LeutkirchR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
17.5. (RF)
18.5. (RF)
27.6. (RF)
in planningin planningin planning
093Linz - HörschingB206-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
056-1MainzR44 (1)---16.5. (SF) full-11.7. (SF) full
12.7. (RF)
17.8. (RF)in planning
R44 (2, no self-flying)
033MannheimR44, AS350VIP flights or self-flying individually available at any time on request--12.410.514.612.716.813.9
034MarburgR44---17.5. (RF)--16.8. (RF)-
094MeinerzhagenR44Appointments can be requested at any time depending on availability
013MoenchengladbachR44--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
118MosbachR44unfortunately no more flights from Mosbach
057MühldorfR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
---3.5. (RF)21.6in planningin planningin planning
037Munich - OttobrunnAS350Sightseeing flights for individuals are coordinated in groups of 5 on Saturdays.
Individual VIP flights are possible on request at any time.
until January 30.1th)
73Munich UH1D SimulatorUH1D simulatorAppointments possible:
Tue - Fri 14:00 p.m. - 21:00 p.m.
Sat., Sun., public holidays 10:00 a.m. - 22:00 p.m.
I don't know what to do
79Munster-OsnabrückR44from Münster-Telgte and Osnabrück-Atterheide
082Munster-TelgteR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-22.3. (RF)26.429.5. (RF)-19.7. (RF)30.8. (RF)13.9. (SF)
038Neumarkt/FreystadtR44Individual appointments are possible at any time on request
083Osnabrück-AtterheideR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-22.3. (RF)26.429.5. (RF)-19.7. (RF)30.8. (RF)13.9. (SF)
039-1Paderborn-HaxterbergR44(sightseeing flights)------2.8. (RF)in planning
039-2Paderborn-HaxterbergEC120(sightseeing flights)
074Paderborn-LippstadtR44(self-flying)------1.8. (SF) fullin planning
105PfullendorfB206, convertibleCabri flights only possible for one person.--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
061PirmasensB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
005Porta WestfalicaR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)10.8. (RF)-
040xxxReichelsheimR22, R44VIP and self-flying are also possible at any time on request-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
040ReichelsheimR44sightseeing flights (RF) R44
Self-flying (SF) R44
---16.5. (SF)--15.8. (SF)
16.8. (RF)
041RostockR44any time
058Rothenburg ob der TauberB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
062SaarlouisB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
092SalzburgR22, R44, Cabriany time
042SchweinfurtR44----28.6in planningin planningin planning
059Siegerland airportR44---10.5. (SF) full
17.5. (RF) full
18.5. (RF) full
-13.7. (RF)17.8. (RF)in planning
096Sitter VillageR22, R44Date suggestions after registration
063-1SpeyerR44for R44 vouchers--27.417.522.619.724.820.9
063-2SpeyerB206, convertiblefor Cabri & B206 vouchers--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
064StraubingR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
---4.5. (RF)22.6in planningin planningin planning
044SuhlR44Alternative: From Sömmerda, individual appointments are available all year round----15.6. (RF)-10.8. (RF)in planning
065SortB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
060VilshofenR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
SF = self-flying
---3.5. (RF)
4.5. VIP only
22.6. only SF or VIP
in planningin planningin planning
066Weiden in the Upper PalatinateR44---25.5. (RF)-5.7. (RF)in planningin planning
099CatfishB206, HU269Flights are possible individually on request
045Wernigerode (Harz)R44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)12.4. (RF)3.5. (RF)28.6 12.7. (RF)23.8. (RF)27.9. (RF)
091Vienna - Bad VöslauR44, AS350Sightseeing flights: every 1st Saturday of the month
Fly yourself and VIP flights possible at any time
098Vienna-StockerauHu269, B206Flights are possible individually on request
085Würzburg (-Schenkenturm)R44Fly yourself from Giebelstadt
RF = sightseeing flight
SF = self-flying
-28.3. (SF) full--28.6. (RF) full4.7. (SF)in planningin planning
097ZurichR44, EC120Due to the considerable increase in price at the Zurich location due to local fees, corresponding vouchers can be redeemed from the St. Gallen or Sitterdorf location.
109MallorcaR22, R44Appointments are possible at any time on request

Robinson R44

Robinson R44 - currently the best-selling helicopter worldwide. Space for pilot + 3 passengers, all have a window seat. We have one about this helityp blog posts written. Further information is from the manufacturer Robinson Helicopter .

Due to the maximum take-off weight for the helicopter and a seat restriction of 130kg by the manufacturer, the following restrictions apply depending on the ticket:
  • Single tickets: max. 100kg per person, co-pilot seat: 90kg
  • Two tickets: max. 130kg for one person, both together max. 200kg
  • 2 VIP ticket: max. 130kg per person
  • 3 VIP ticket: max. 130kg per person, all 3 together max. 260kg
  • Heli self-flying: max. 110kg for self-flying
Contact us if you have any questions or if the weight is higher: Contact us
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Don't forget: February 14th is Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day gift idea helicopter sightseeing flight 02 e1550452095669 Heliflieger.com

What is the best gift to give for Valentine's Day? Besides flowers, of course. Certainly not useless things that will quickly end up in the corner. Great experiences on the other hand, bond together and remain in the memory for a lifetime. Why not a joint helicopter flight? Either specifically at one of our 100 locations or a completely flexible Value Voucher. The appointment can also be arranged later depending on the preferred time of year. Read here, what our enthusiastic customers said after their flights. We also have general information on the topic of “giving away” here for you. We look forward to seeing you ❤️.

Helicopter sightseeing flights Landshut / Freising

Single seat

Sightseeing flights for individuals are currently not offered in LANDSHUT.
But at the following locations nearby:

Muehldorf on the Inn (59 km)
jesenwang at the Ammersee (89km)

Private flights

Helicopter sightseeing flight for 2 people with a freely selectable flight route. The 3rd place remains empty. For couples who want to stay together.

Your helicopter sightseeing flight in the Landshut region starts at the Landshut-Ellermühle airfield. The 3rd place remains empty. For couples who want to keep to themselves. Many frequently asked questions are in the FAQ answered.
449,00 EUR
(incl. VAT & e-mail dispatch plus Shipping costs)

Helicopter sightseeing flight for a group of up to 3 people through the Munich-Landshut region - the flight route can be coordinated directly with the pilot within the booked flight time.

Your helicopter sightseeing flight for up to 3 people in the Munich-North region starts at Landshut Airport. Many frequently asked questions are in the FAQ answered.
499,00 EUR
(incl. VAT & e-mail dispatch plus Shipping costs)

Trial Lesson

After thorough instruction, you control the helicopter yourself with an experienced flight instructor at your side. The ticket is valid for one person together with the flight instructor. Passengers can optionally be booked separately (see below).

Your helicopter control experience in the Munich-North region starts at Landshut Airport. Many frequently asked questions are in the FAQ answered.
479,00 EUR
(incl. VAT & e-mail dispatch plus Shipping costs)

If you steer a helicopter yourself, up to 2 people can fly in the rear seats. Can only be booked as a supplement to the Heli Control Yourself voucher.

Supplementary ticket if you would like to book up to 2 accompanying persons on your existing heli do-it-yourself experience.
  • This ticket is only considered Additional booking for a helicopter self-flying voucher
  • The departure point is the same as on the underlying fly-yourself voucher
  • Possible departure locations: Straubing, Vilshofen, Eggenfelden, Mühldorf, Kempten, Jesenwang
  • The same weight restrictions apply as for a sightseeing flight for up to 3 people: The total weight of the passengers must not exceed 260kg and no single person may weigh more than 130kg.
79,00 EUR
(incl. VAT & e-mail dispatch plus Shipping costs)

Value Voucher

The most flexible gift of all: the voucher in euros

Ideal for giving away if you don't know exactly what the recipient would like best. Or you yourself :-) Can be used for everything Heliflieger.com can be traded in.  

50,00 EUR
(incl. 0,00% VAT & e-mail shipping plus. Shipping costs)

Accessories for your helicopter sightseeing flight
3D pop-up map helicopter helicopter
The slightly different Heliflieger.com gift card (DIN A5) surprises with an inspiring inner life. Handmade. Unfold and take off.
9,99 EUR
(incl. 19,00% VAT. Shipping costs)
red model of the r44 sightseeing flight helicopter
A model of the Robinson R44 Raven II helicopter, which we use very often for sightseeing flights and is popular worldwide - as a small addition to the sightseeing flight voucher. Very rare. Length about 13,5 cm made of metal.
29,90 EUR 40,00 EUR
(incl. 19,00% VAT. Shipping costs)
Climate protection helicopter tree planting
To offset the CO2 emissions, we plant a tree for every scenic flight we operate. You can increase this number voluntarily. Read more
9,99 EUR
(incl. 19,00% VAT. Shipping costs)
helicopter keychain heliflieger turn key before flight
Our popular key ring - for your helicopter key at home. He reminds of this great flight experience every day. Of course, it also works with your apartment, car or motorcycle key if you don't have a helicopter at hand. Due to its red color, it is particularly easy to find when rummaging through the handbag. And also lasts for a long time thanks to the high-quality workmanship: high-quality linked all around, the lettering is embroidered, the key ring is included and the whole thing comes neatly packaged in a separate cellophane bag.  
4,99 EUR
(incl. 19,00% VAT. Shipping costs)
blue helicopter keychain
Our key ring in the blue "10 years greetings from above" anniversary edition. With best regards from above, of course. In case you don't like red that much. Lasts a long time due to the high-quality workmanship: high-quality linked all around, the lettering is embroidered, the key ring is included and the whole thing comes neatly packaged in a separate cellophane bag.  
4,99 EUR
(incl. 19,00% VAT. Shipping costs)
Keychain Helicopter silver Round Flights Self-Fly
Always have the helicopter with you on your keychain. Made of metal, approx. 9 x 3,5cm. The ideal addition to a gift.
4,99 EUR
(incl. 19,00% VAT. Shipping costs)
Helicopter sightseeing flight model keychain copper
Always have the helicopter with you on your keychain. Made of metal, copper-colored, with a rotating rotor, approx. 11 x 3 x 4 cm. The ideal addition to a gift.
4,99 EUR
(incl. 19,00% VAT. Shipping costs)
small helicopter flight school book
Author and flight instructor Helmut Mauch explains flying with a helicopter clearly with over 250 drawings. The accompanying texts make it possible to explain aerodynamic facts, the technical requirements of flying and the handling of helicopters very easily. The small helicopter school has now become a standard work.
24,99 EUR
(incl. 7,00% VAT. Shipping costs)

All information about your helicopter sightseeing flight from Landshut / Freising

Landshut Ellermühle Airport

Heli-sightseeing flight dates Landshut

002AachenR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days--5.418.5----
095AltenrheinR22, R44, R66Individual appointments are always possible
081augsburgR44In addition: Individual appointments for self-flying and VIP flights on request.---
087Bad DitzenbachR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days-29.3
003Bamberg-EbernR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days---25.528.6-10.8in planning
047BayreuthR44Unfortunately, the helicopter is not on site on other days---23.5. (SF)
24.5. (SF) full
25.5. (RF)
-5.7. (RF)
25.7. (SF)
26.7. (SF)
27.7. (RF)
in planningin planning
088Berlin SchönefeldEC130Flights over Berlin will now take place from Berlin-Strausberg--------
004-1Berlin SchoenhagenR44--12.4
004-2Berlin SchoenhagenNOT displayedR44
089Berlin StrausbergEC130From 05.04.25 every Saturday and Sunday.
076BraunschweigR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)12.4. (RF)3.5. (RF)28.612.7. (RF)23.8. (RF)27.9. (RF)
007BreitscheidR44from Siegerland Airport
048Burg FeuersteinB206, convertible---in planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
049ChemnitzB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
009CoburgR44---25.5. (RF)15.6. (RF)5.7. (RF)
27.7. (RF)
10.8. (RF)in planning
010Cottbus (-Neuhausen)R44VIP flights (up to 3 people) and helicopter self-flying available at any time on request
084DammeR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-22.3. (RF)26.429.5. (RF)-19.7. (RF)30.8. (RF)13.9. (SF)
071DonaueschingenR22, R44any time
075Donauworth GenderkingenB206, convertibleSaturday mornings only--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
011Dortmund MarlR44-15.313.4in planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
012-1Dresden (Kamenz)R44 (1)--26.4
012-2Dresden (Kamenz)R44 (2)Groups and self-flying, no individuals
90Dresden-PirnaR44, B206, B505no appointments
017EgelsbachR44, convertibleSingle seats and self-flying on Cabri possible on sightseeing flight days, VIP flights and R44 self-flying individually possible16.29.2
050EggenfeldenR44For organizational reasons, flights take place from the nearby Mühldorf airfield
014EisenachR44Alternative: Individually agreed at any time from Sömmerda----13.6. (SF)
14.6. (RF)
15.6. (RF)
-8.8. (SF)in planning
080Erfurt (Helipad Sömmerda)R44Appointments can be arranged individually at any time
015Erfurt (Sömmerda)R44RF (full charter) & SF anytime
016EssenR44, AS350SF individual-15.36.4
1.66.7in planningin planning
077FreiburgR44currently no sightseeing flights offered
104FriedrichsdorfB206Appointments can be arranged individually at any time
018FriedrichshafenR22, R44, B206Individual appointments in Friedrichshafen are possible at any time on request.
019FuldaR44Appointments for VIP sightseeing flights from 30 minutes and self-flying can be arranged individually at any time
0681GanderkeseeR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) with EC120
Fly it yourself (SF) with R44
-23.3. (RF)27.411.5. (RF)-6.73.8. (RF)14.9
0682Ganderkesee R44R44 complete charter at any time
Max 240KG for 3 p.
051GiengenB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
021GiessenR44---17.5. (RF)--16.8. (RF)in planning
022GöttingenR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)10.8. (RF)-
101GrazR22, R44Date suggestions after registration
023Halle OppinR44VIP flights and self-flying possible at any time on request
024Hamburg AirportEC120usually from noon15.21.35.4
in planningin planningin planningin planning
025Hamburg HeistR44--5.4
026HanoverR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)
23.3. (RF)
12.4. (RF)
27.4. (SF)
3.5. (RF)
11.5. (RF)
28.6. (RF)6.7
12.7. (RF)
3.8. (RF)
23.8. (RF)
27.9. (RF)
067HerzogenaurachB206, convertible-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
027HildesheimR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)12.4. (RF)3.5. (RF)28.6 12.7. (RF)23.8. (RF)27.9. (RF)
086HoexterR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)10.8. (RF)-
036jesenwangR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
--5.4. (RF)10.5
31.5. (RF)
-in planningin planningin planning
028Kassel-CaldenR44Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)1.8. (SF)
10.8. (RF)
029Kassel-WolfhagenR44------2.8in planning
52KemptenR44from Leutkirch
107KielB206any time
100KilbR22, R44, R66any time
103KlagenfurtR44After registration, our pilot regularly makes appointment suggestions
053-1Koblenz (Winningen)R44---9.5. (SF) full
18.5. (RF) full
-11.7. (SF) full
12.7. (RF)
17.8. (RF)in planning
053-2Koblenz (Mendig)R44New dates will be scheduled gradually-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
006-1Cologne (Hangelar)R44, B206VIP flights and self-flying possible at any time on request
006-2Cologne (Hangelar)R44VIP and individuals possible--12.4-14.6in planningin planningin planning
006-3Cologne (Hangelar)R44--12.410.514.612.730.86.9
054KonstanzB206, convertiblefrom Pfullendorf
106LandshutR44---4.5. (RF)22.6in planningin planningin planning
030lauterbachR44---11.5in planningin planningin planningin planning
031Leipzig (Böhlen)R44---17.5
032LeutkirchR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
17.5. (RF)
18.5. (RF)
27.6. (RF)
in planningin planningin planning
093Linz - HörschingB206-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
056-1MainzR44 (1)---16.5. (SF) full-11.7. (SF) full
12.7. (RF)
17.8. (RF)in planning
R44 (2, no self-flying)
033MannheimR44, AS350VIP flights or self-flying individually available at any time on request--12.410.514.612.716.813.9
034MarburgR44---17.5. (RF)--16.8. (RF)-
094MeinerzhagenR44Appointments can be requested at any time depending on availability
013MoenchengladbachR44--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
118MosbachR44unfortunately no more flights from Mosbach
057MühldorfR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
---3.5. (RF)21.6in planningin planningin planning
037Munich - OttobrunnAS350Sightseeing flights for individuals are coordinated in groups of 5 on Saturdays.
Individual VIP flights are possible on request at any time.
until January 30.1th)
73Munich UH1D SimulatorUH1D simulatorAppointments possible:
Tue - Fri 14:00 p.m. - 21:00 p.m.
Sat., Sun., public holidays 10:00 a.m. - 22:00 p.m.
I don't know what to do
79Munster-OsnabrückR44from Münster-Telgte and Osnabrück-Atterheide
082Munster-TelgteR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-22.3. (RF)26.429.5. (RF)-19.7. (RF)30.8. (RF)13.9. (SF)
038Neumarkt/FreystadtR44Individual appointments are possible at any time on request
083Osnabrück-AtterheideR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-22.3. (RF)26.429.5. (RF)-19.7. (RF)30.8. (RF)13.9. (SF)
039-1Paderborn-HaxterbergR44(sightseeing flights)------2.8. (RF)in planning
039-2Paderborn-HaxterbergEC120(sightseeing flights)
074Paderborn-LippstadtR44(self-flying)------1.8. (SF) fullin planning
105PfullendorfB206, convertibleCabri flights only possible for one person.--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
061PirmasensB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
005Porta WestfalicaR44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-9.3. (RF)19.4. (SF)
23.4. (RF)
4.5. (RF)7.6. (RF)
29.6. (SF)
20.7. (RF)10.8. (RF)-
040xxxReichelsheimR22, R44VIP and self-flying are also possible at any time on request-in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
040ReichelsheimR44sightseeing flights (RF) R44
Self-flying (SF) R44
---16.5. (SF)--15.8. (SF)
16.8. (RF)
041RostockR44any time
058Rothenburg ob der TauberB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
062SaarlouisB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
092SalzburgR22, R44, Cabriany time
042SchweinfurtR44----28.6in planningin planningin planning
059Siegerland airportR44---10.5. (SF) full
17.5. (RF) full
18.5. (RF) full
-13.7. (RF)17.8. (RF)in planning
096Sitter VillageR22, R44Date suggestions after registration
063-1SpeyerR44for R44 vouchers--27.417.522.619.724.820.9
063-2SpeyerB206, convertiblefor Cabri & B206 vouchers--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
064StraubingR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
---4.5. (RF)22.6in planningin planningin planning
044SuhlR44Alternative: From Sömmerda, individual appointments are available all year round----15.6. (RF)-10.8. (RF)in planning
065SortB206, convertible--in planningin planningin planningin planningin planningin planning
060VilshofenR44EP = single seat
RF = sightseeing flights, no self-flying
SF = self-flying
---3.5. (RF)
4.5. VIP only
22.6. only SF or VIP
in planningin planningin planning
066Weiden in the Upper PalatinateR44---25.5. (RF)-5.7. (RF)in planningin planning
099CatfishB206, HU269Flights are possible individually on request
045Wernigerode (Harz)R44, EC120Sightseeing flights (RF) usually with EC120
Self-flying (SF) usually with R44
-8.3. (RF)12.4. (RF)3.5. (RF)28.6 12.7. (RF)23.8. (RF)27.9. (RF)
091Vienna - Bad VöslauR44, AS350Sightseeing flights: every 1st Saturday of the month
Fly yourself and VIP flights possible at any time
098Vienna-StockerauHu269, B206Flights are possible individually on request
085Würzburg (-Schenkenturm)R44Fly yourself from Giebelstadt
RF = sightseeing flight
SF = self-flying
-28.3. (SF) full--28.6. (RF) full4.7. (SF)in planningin planning
097ZurichR44, EC120Due to the considerable increase in price at the Zurich location due to local fees, corresponding vouchers can be redeemed from the St. Gallen or Sitterdorf location.
109MallorcaR22, R44Appointments are possible at any time on request

Helicopter in use in Landshut

Robinson R44

Robinson R44 - currently the best-selling helicopter worldwide. Space for pilot + 3 passengers, all have a window seat. We have one about this helityp blog posts written. Further information is from the manufacturer Robinson Helicopter .

I want to book a helicopter tour!
In 4 easy steps to the dream helicopter flight experience

You buy a voucher for one of the Offices

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The holder redeems online and signs up for one Date

air travel

Be there in time. Have fun and FLYING!

would you have known Knowledge from the helicopter blog

Information about Landshut

Landshut With a good 73.000 inhabitants, it is the seat of the government of Lower Bavaria and the Lower Bavarian district of the same name. Landshut is the largest city in Lower Bavaria before Passau and the second largest city in East Bavaria after Regensburg. In a Bavaria-wide comparison of population figures, it is in 11th place after Bayreuth and the north-eastern focus of the Munich metropolitan region.

In the late Middle Ages, the city was one of the capitals of the Bavarian duchies, along with Munich, Straubing and Ingolstadt. As the capital of the part-duchy of Bavaria-Landshut, the city experienced its heyday in the 14th and 15th centuries. The magnificent Landshut Wedding is a historical event in the city, at which the marriage of the Bavarian Duke George the Rich in 1903 to the Polish king's daughter Hedwig von Burghausen has been reenacted since 1475. At 130 meters, the Gothic tower of St. Martin's Church is the thirteenth tallest and the tallest church tower made of brick in the world. The Stadtresidenz Landshut is one of the first Renaissance buildings north of the Alps.

Landshut is one of the economically strongest and purchasing powerfirst Municipalities in Germany, the most important for the processing industry are the nearby BMW plant in Landshut-Ergolding, the world market leader in ventilation and drive technology ebm-papst, the glass company Schott AG and the rusk manufacturer Brandt.

Helicopter sightseeing flights Landshut airfield

This page contains information about our helicopter sightseeing flights at Landshut Airport. From here you can, for example, fly over Landshut or the surrounding area. The Landshut airfield is currently one of around 100 departure points in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for our helicopter sightseeing flights. We have a dedicated page here with one Helicopter sightseeing flight overview about the individual departure points where you can book a helicopter flight. At some locations, you can also fly a helicopter yourself - also known as taster flights. This is also possible at Landshut Airport. Please send one Message to that Heliflieger-Teamif you have any suggestions or questions. We already have some typical questions on our "typical helicopter sightseeing flight questions (FAQ)"answered.

After booking on this page you can redeem your voucher and a Helicopter sightseeing flight appointment for the Landshut airfield.

We wish a lot of fun
Your Heliflieger-Team